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This chapter is about issues, bugs and todos. Below pane is just faded in from plaintext file issues.txt . (This page is to be merged with other page issues.html )

   This file stores issues, bugs and todos

   issue # 20140602.1221 'breadcrumbs.txt must not be utf-8-with-bom'
   object      : Breadcrumbs
   symptom     : If breadcrumbs.txt is utf-8-with-bom, then in the the root
                  page, the breadcrumbs for the child pages will be missing.
   ref         : Screenshots # 20140602.1222/1223
   workaround  : Avoid breadcrumbs.txt being utf-8-with-bom
   priority    : low
   status      :
   note        : The breadcrumbs.txt file shall be abolished anyway.
   note        :

   issue # 20140314.0411
   object      : daftari.ini
   symptom     : The umlauts look bad from online.
   reason      : The inifile is UTF-8-without-BOM.
   todo        : Possible explicitly create it as UTF-8-with-BOM?
   workaround  : Manually supplement the BOM (e.g. Notepad++ does it).
   priority    :
   status      : open
   note        :

   // note # 20140307.0411 'debug issue # 20140306.1311'
   // location : File jsi-ajax.php. But actually daftari.js is meant.
   // finding : The guilty is '$iIndex = $aTagid[2];' which is zero,
   //    and thus just points to the very first td-tag on the page.
   // finding : The zero is correct on the JavaScript side, it is the first
   //    table cell to edit on the page indeed. But here the not-editable
   //    cell of a form's table is not skipped as expected, although it
   //    carries the attribute tagged wafailiskip="yes".
   // finding : The JavaScript skips the wafailiskip="yes" elements when
   //    counting, but this PHP does not know about this attribute. Possibly
   //    The JavaScript should count them as well, just not offer them for edit.
   // finding : There is this misconception so far:
   //    (1) The wafailiskip attribute is meant to skip elements which are
   //         not present in the physical HTML file but inserted via PHP.
   //    - Thus this attribute must not be used in the physical HTML file.
   //    - To prevent physical elements from being edited, a new dedicated
   //      attribute  must be introduced. E.g. in moonwalk.html
   //       form id="id20111231o0222".
   // clue : The locations for development are
   //    - jsi-ajax.php function # 20110818.1322 htmlElementEdit()
   //    - daftari.js function # 20110811.1221 execPageSwitchEditmodeOn()
   // status : Finished.

   issue # 20140306.1311 'edit hits wrong cell'
   desc : Editing a table cell below hits a form table cell above.
   ref : Screenshots # 20140306.1312/1313
   finding : See file jsi-ajax.php note # 20140307.0411
   note : Attribute 'wafailiskip' is must not be used in the physical files,
      only from PHP-inserted sequences. Thus we need a different attribute
      to prevent edit in physical elements.
   note : See issue # 20140306.1311 and debug note # 20140307.0411
   solution : Introduce new dedicated attribute 'hikiulinzi' for physical
      HTML file to indicate that element shall not be offered for edit.
   workaround : None
   priority : high
   status : Finished with with seqence # 20140307.0431 'read the element protection'.
   note : Example use case is moonwalk.html form id="id20111231o0222".
   note :

   issue # 20140303.0622 'unwanted whitespace shift'
   desc : After having edited an editpoint, the whitespace in the HTML,
      e.g. the indent of a li-element is no more the same as before. This
      does not impair the HTML itself, but the user optics in a text editor.
   ref : Screenshot # 20140303.0622
   workaround : Tolerate it.
   status :
   note :

   issue # 20140302.1511
   title : IE prints hidden 'br' tags
   location : E.g. daftari/help.html seqence id20121111o1833.
   descript :  Inside the lingos exist br-tags. Firefox/Chrome/Opera do
      not use space for the inactive languages, but IE prints all the empty
      space for the br-tags of the inactive languages.
   ref : Screenshots # 20140302.1511..1516
   workaround : Use ul/li-tags instead.
   category : Browser issues
   status :

   issue # 20140302.1431 'h4-tag not supported'
   description : When using Lingos inside a 'h4' block, the languages
      do not separate.
   loc : e.g. daftari/help.html
   workaround : Use something like
      '<p id="id20120901o2005" style="text-align:center; font-size:1.2em; color:#900060;">'
   status : Closed.
   solution : Supplement 20140302.1441/144102 in jsi-langsplit.js (not yet tested heavily).
   note :

   issue # 20120825.0221
   group : breadcrumbs.php
   title : Quotes in the CSV
   descr : So far, everything works what we need, but only because we introcuce single
           quotes in the html instead of only double quotes as usual. Consider e.g.
           this field "<span style='font-family:Comic Sans MS,Arial;'>", which were
           better "<span style='font-family:\"Comic Sans MS,Arial;\">'".
           There should be a way to use double quotes in the CSV. Or is it already?
   status :
   note :

   todo # 20120824.1241
   group : Daftari
   title : Tighten the edit request
   descript : So far, the request for editing an element passes the element
       tag and it's counter. From that the php script inversly calculates the
       target element in the original file. Todo: Let's add another information
       to the request, the original text of the element to edit. Then the php
       script can compare it with what it found in the original file and see
       whether it hit the correct element.
   status :
   note :

   issue # 20120508.0921
   title : IE fails to set innerHTML of paragraph
   description : IE has a problem with setting the innerHTML of a paragraph,
                  it throws a 'JScript unknown error'.
   workaround : Wrap the paragraph in a div.
   reference : (# 20120508.0922)
   location : editpointstatic.js function # 20111227.1741 appendLogEntry()
   status :
   note :

   issue # 20111002.1922
   object      : editpoint/configread.php, wakati/inc.constants.php, wakati/class.obyekt.php
   symptom     :
   reason      :
   todo        : Check filepermissions before attempting to create a new datadir
   workaround  :
   status      :
   note        :

   (issue # 20110901.1741)
   descr : If the URL points to a folder, and the server served automatically
      the default 'index.html', then we get the filename blank here! We must
      support the 'index.html' somehow. Or is there some way to make
      document.location.href telling the filename anyway?!
   location : File daftari/daftari.js function # 20110820.1741 getFileName()
   workaround : Put the following line in the header of the index.html
      '<meta HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="0; url=index.html">'. Haha, 
      this is not good, it may put the browser into endles recursion!
   solution :
   status : Unknown
   note : The recommended workaround meta-line in daftaridemo/index.html was
      shutdown since quite a while, and I did not notice a bad effect. Not sure
      what about the issue. Is it still an issue? (note # 20140303.0631)
   note :

   issue # 20110821.1221
   title :  'IE fails injecting TD tag icons'
   problem : In IE, the TD tag icons are inserted as expected.
              But when pressing the save button, the icon disappears, the cell border
              is broken (merged with neighbour cell) and the content is not saved.
   workaround : Dont edit table cells in IE.
   note : For a final solution go js.quirkscms.js::saveEdit(), where the DOM
          changes for the edit textarea are reverted. This reverting goes wrong.
   location : editpointstatic.js function # 20110811.1221 pageManipulate()
   status :
   note :

   issue # 20110531.1644
   object      : PHPLinq
   symptom     :
   reason      : Looks useful
   todo        : Check out the PHPLinq library
   workaround  :
   status      :
   reference   : Download # 20110531.1821, noted in # 20110531.1644
   note        :

   issue # 20110528.0043
   object      : image scaling
   symptom     : perhaps non-optimal scaling of thumbnails by imagemagick?
   reason      :
   todo        : The 30-Jahre-MMV series is scaled by imagemagick. I wonder why the
                 d45, d90, d180 flavours hardly have filesize difference. Make the
                 same scaling with GIMP, where they should considerably differe.
   workaround  :
   status      : open
   note        :

   proposal # 20110528.0042
   object      : html dl tag e.g. <dl><dt>fieldname</dt><dd>fieldvalue</dd></dl>
   symptom     :
   reason      : perhaps it is useful
   todo        : try it with some table output
   workaround  :
   status      : curiosity
   note        :

   proposal # 20110528.0041
   object      : html label tag e.g. <label for="email"> <input type="text" id="email" name="...">
   symptom     :
   reason      : perhaps it is useful
   todo        : try it with some form fields
   workaround  :
   status      : curiosity
   note        :

   issue # 20110526.0341
   object      : Website, new chapter 'making of'. Describe e.g. various
                 features, e.g. 'icon-seeking algorithm' (retrieving the
                 fitting flavour for a specific purpose, compare e.g.
                 issue # 20110526.0321) ..
   symptom     :
   reason      :
   todo        : New page or subchapter to 'about'.
   workaround  :
   status      :
   note        :

   issue # 20110526.0321 'dimensional flavours not recognized'
   object      : _19890426-1552_dia_VERSION-1_.png / _19890426-1552_dia_x0180y0120_.jpg
                  and many others recognized by the delayed rendering
   symptom     : In the album, not the d0180 thumb is printed but wrongly the v1
                  flavour (which consumes 3.9 MB instead of 9 KB)
   reason      :
   todo        : Evaluate  the 'x' and 'y' tokens!
   workaround  :
   status      : fixed # 20110526.1141 in the thumbnail selector algorithm
   note        :

   issue # 20110524.1201 'all album broken'
   object      : all album
   symptom     : starting with two broken lines
   reason      : an buddyfile without corename, e.g. '_20090709-1743_.txt'
   todo        : make album writer correctly write the timestamp anyway, even though there is no corename
   workaround  : manually delete the two lines in all.txt
   status      : open
   note        :

   issue # 20110524.1202
   symptom     : album add/remove does not work
   object      : e.g. # 20070325.1511
   reason      :
   todo        :
   workaround  :
   status      : finished
   note        :

   issue # 20110524.1201
   symptom     : Some images not shown, e.g.
                 - rawfolder 20100101
                 - rawfolder 20100601
                 - rawfolder 20101001
                 - rawfolder p20100102
   reason      :
   todo        :
   note        :

   issue # 20110523.2351
   appearance  : e.g. object img20100601.s/img/#20100626'0901.pozdrav1
   reason      : filename with dots
   symptom     : Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ErrorException' with message "Undefined
                 index: 'corename' in G:\work\gallery\trunk\gallery\object.html.php on line 77"
   status      : finished
   note        : All objects with such filenames do not work, and the album add/remove also not
   note        :

   issue # 2014xxxx.xxxx 'template'
   object      :
   symptom     :
   reason      :
   ref         :
   todo        :
   workaround  :
   priority    :
   status      :
   note        :

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