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This page stores some links useful while developing.
Stackoverflow thread UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files discusses wheather or not have the UTF-8 BOM set in PHP files. .
Stackoverflow thread 'How to set UTF-8 encoding for a PHP file' discusses how to serve UTF-8 files from PHP .
The w3.org article 'The byte-order mark (BOM) in HTML' describes some facts about the BOM. .
The online tool W3C Internationalization Checker allows to check files for their encoding .
The blog article 'Dealing with the UTF-8 signature' by Richard Ishida on 2007-Jul-13 discusses some peculiarities with UTF-8 encoded files .
The online tool 'UniView 7beta' by Richard Ishida allows comfortable picking of unicode characters from blocks .
And just for fun another online tool by Richard Ishida: Archery Log , allows to compare and analyse archery scores and displays the data from archery rounds . The code of the page is available under the GPL.
Stackoverflow thread 'How can I get tidy to allow my custom attributes?' tells, that attributes must not begin with an underline, and it shows a code sequence calling Tidy from PHP . Note: Daftari uses the custom attribute 'wafailiskip="yes"'.
On the html-tidy@w3.org mailinglist, in post 'lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/html-tidy/2011OctDec/0005.html' , Bjoern Hoehrmann tells, that proprietary attributes will make Tidy alway output a warning, and that cannot be suppressed, not even using option --drop-proprietary-attributes no. . Note: This really seems to be an issue for Daftari files, because Daftari uses the custom attribute 'wafailiskip="yes"'.