__construct($sTable, $sDatadirfullname) : bool
The 'table' to be instantiated
true = success, false = error
functionid : # 20110507.1223
callers :
- libs/login_php_v1.3/login.php
- login.html.phpaddrec($aNewRec) : bool
The new record to be added
true on success, false on error
functionid : # 20110507.1224
note : Similar file access code is e.g. in
- class.obyekt.php::readbuddyfile()
- class.obyekt.php::maintain_albums()
- class.dbtxt.php::load()
callers :deleteRecord($sPrimaryKeyValue) : bool
The id of the record to be deleted
true = success, false = error
functionid : # 20110508.1821
callers :lookupRecord($iFieldIndex, $sSearchValue) : array
If found then (sizeof($aRet) > 0); if not found then (sizeof($aRet) = 0);
functionid : # 20110507.1921
callers :
- libs/login_php_v1.3/login.php
- ?writeRecord($aNewRec) : bool
The record to be written
True on success, false on error
functionid : # 20110509.0221
callers : login.html.php change password sequencereadColumnsArrayFromTextfile() : array
The wanted array-of-arrays with the buddyfile's fields
functionid : # 20110507.1922 # 20110508.1421
note : Why is the array reverse organized like $a[fieldno][recno]? That way
it's more easy to search field values. But harder to pass one record.
callers :$aTabdef