

__construct($sFile) : bool

This instantiates an obyekt by it's buddyfile



The buddyfile


booltrue = success, false = fail functionid : # 20110501.0122 callers :

This function retrieves a thumbnail of specified dimension (CHECK - Eventually store this information in the shadowbuddyfile to save later runtime?)

getThumb($iDimWanted) : array




arraywith elements ['file'] ['width'] ['height'] ['maxdim'] where ['file'] is the image with it's relative path e.g. and ['maxdim'] serves as a control how precise the given image matches the wanted functionid : # 20110514.1311 callers : object.html.php

This function writes back a modified buddyfile

writebackBuddyfile() : bool


booltrue = success, false = error version : # 20110513.1821 callers : So far only album.html.php::evaluate_post()

This function builds this->shadowbuddy from a xml shadowbuddyfile

buildShadowbuddyfile() : bool


booltrue = success, false = error version : # 20110514.1921 note : For now, we do this only on the local drive, because reading the folder listing via WebDAV or SVN client is not yet settled. As long as the gallery maintenance is restricted to localhost, this is sufficient callers :

This reads albums from buddyfile and eventually enroll the obyekt into album database

maintain_album($sAlbum) : \functionid



  • The album to be maintained


\functionid: # 20110429.1501 note : Similar file access code is e.g. in - class.obyekt.php::readbuddyfile() - class.obyekt.php::maintain_albums() - class.dbtxt.php::load() callers : only Obiect->__construct() only in case of rawfolder view

This reads a buddyfile into an array

readbuddyfile($sFilename) : array



The buddyfile


arrayWith [0] the hashtag if available, othwerwise blank [1] the 'hashvalue' [2] the original line functionid : # 20101231.1921 # 20110501.1111 note : Similar file access code is e.g. in - class.obyekt.php::readbuddyfile() - class.obyekt.php::maintain_albums() - class.dbtxt.php::load() callers :
















